Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why ello thar!

....I still can't update =D *gets shot*

But I guess I can tell you what I've been up to lately. I've just finished Year 10, I just have exams to go, and I've already completed one (my Vocational Education Training subject's exam. At the end of the year, I'll have a Certificate II in Multimedia. Go me! =D)

We're hopefully installing an aircon tomorrow. Thank god, I'm dying in this weather! Seriously!

I have done some drawing and plans for Cosplay Crisis but it would be much easier if there was another me I could bounce ideas off of D: I'm still working on Acaridae's maps. I was thinking about a few more areas before the Fairgrounds, but I'm already putting a lot more spriting in as it is. Plus, with Chrissy coming around and 3 demanding siblings, and two parents, I couldn't afford a pixel artist.

I brought home a bunch of my Art subject work, some of it's ok, other stuff I'm not proud of. I plan to stick all my work (the ones I work on for a long time) on a wall, and then when I get better, the old ones come down.

Inspire myself to do better, if you know what I mean.

I'm really demotivated at the moment, and I have a pounding headache, so excuse this post for having nothing whatsoever to do with CC.


And I am so glad that I have gained the ability to draw the same character over and over and over again without having to use a reference...just check my DeviantART, it's pretty funny since it's the same pose :D.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I need a consistent name for my posts.

Ok, this is not an update. I need to post in order to transfer Cosplay Crisis files across to my computer at home and keep them safe from worms, etc. My USB's are being very annoying -.-