Age: 19
Occupation: Mercenary, occasional paper boy
"You're not listening. My reality is mine alone. None of you see the world the way I do."
At nineteen years of age Kumo has seen and done things most people his age have a hard time imagining. Acerbic and emotionless, Kumo seems dismissive of all issues presented to him, with a cold look and a blatant "Not Interested."
Kumo previously worked as a professional basketball player for Acaridae's Omniax division. They were reknowned for not only their ruthless play style but for doing on-the-side jobs as Omniax's elite fighting force, which apparently had a code-name but it's been lost in the Omniax database after the teams liquidation in 2004, after the reported death of the team's star player, Arithial.
Kumo almost never brings up his work from that time. It's a difficult feat swallowing that he was one of the team, standing at 173cm- but his knowledge of the team makes his height excusable.
Kumo uses an enormous gun nicknamed the 'Buster Gun'. No one is sure where he got it.
Strangely, Kumo's Cloud-like life does not affect his character preference. In fact, he outright says "I'd much rather be wearing Squall's outfit."
Levi Raionomoi
Age: 19
Occupation: Sapling (title given to Forest's elite mercenaries.)
"Time has no place in a perfect world."
Cold and generally cruel, Levi is even worse than Kumo attitude-wise, however his anti-socialness generally means he avoids people anyway. Renowned for his accuracy with a gun and his sharp tongue, Levi's little known traits are his cunning and ability to come up with strategies. Levi was involved with the Banora incident of 2007 and as a result he has a fear of zombies. He also is afraid of two-wheeled vehicles and has been since he was four, since his mother was riding a bicycle when she was hit by a car.
Interesting Fact: Levi has a fanclub in the game as well. And a fan club in real life.
No, really.
Shadz Barentain
Age: 20?
Occupation: Unknown
"It's all clear until someone turns the lights on."
A mysterious man who seems to know more than he should. Very well informed about the goings-on at Omniax and the general order of things, he usually only explains what he has to.
Your party meet him soon after a battle with a strange monster, yet he doesn't join the party until later at the Fairgrounds.
He quickly gains a reputation for being a smart ass. Levi is extremely suspicious and wary of him, believing his uncanny knowledge of Omniax's workings maybe due to his employment there.
If he gets annoyed of frustrated with the behavior of his comrades he has the tendency to disappear for a while.
Age: 19
"We can't let everything we've worked for become worthless!"
Occupation: Second in command of the Omniax rebellion (LANDSLIDE).
A young woman with a fierce determination to make the world a better place, beginning with the fall of Omniax. Headstrong yet caring and energetic, Miri takes to life with a live day-by-day attitude, usually creating plans or ideas just days before they are to be carried out. Miri lost her mother five years ago when her home town of Miehlebin was burnt to the ground. She's a skilled martial artist, but if she becomes fanatic about an idea or plan she has the tendency to fall flat on her face.
Name: Kyer Shinyuri
Age: 19
Occupation: LANDSLIDE member
"We can't predict the future, but we don't need to if we work to make it a better place."
Kyer is a very bold, determined and stubborn young woman fighting to rid a small town in Ivalicia of Omniax's influence. She speaks with her heart and fights for what she believes in, not afraid to push forward through resistance. She's headed to Tokyo because of rumours Omniax is going to be hitting there next, as well as a whisper that a particular man with a fur collar is going to be there...a man she met a year ago at her sister's Sapling graduation.
Kyer is inexperienced in battle, trying to work for a peaceful method of getting rid of Omniax. As a result, a few of the other battle-hardened members worry about her. You meet Kyer the same time Shadz joins your party and she joins as an available member straight off.
Age: 17
Occupation: Sapling (title given to Forest's elite mercenaries.)
"In the end you just gotta look at the bright side!"
Lulu has an innate habit of getting on people's nerves. For some reason, Levi seems to be able to deal with her, but that's probably because he's used to it- they went to the orphanage and have worked together on some occasions (much to Levi's displeasure). She joined the Forest ranks in a desperate attempt to gain her father's attention and pride, since he only ever focused on Kyer- even going so far to leave her at the orphanage when her and Kyer's mother died when she was 4. Despite this she manages to keep an upbeat, bright attitude. She's in Tokyo to attend the Cosplay Week, as well as track down a Forest student who recently escaped from solitary detention. When Levi realizes he's up to no good, he lets Lulu join the party. Levi has a very good reason to be tracking him down...