Yeah well I have been extremely busy of late- mainly since Armageddon was on Sunday. On that note, I HAVE done work. Unbelievably. I've redone the entire airport scene to include Leon, and I redid the entire battle circle too. I have yet to play it through, though, must find labrats.
I've started work on Exhibition Tower but none of the custom graphics are done, I'm using Kieara Phoenix's modern graphics for the first floor and exterior at the moment. I'll add the swords statue onto it, but I'll make my own tileset for the Final Fantasy floor.
I did start going over Kumo's sprite cause he sucks, but I want to finish the game first, so new versions of the battlers will probably be only in the Insane edition.
I've added an intro to bring people up to speed on what's going on before the National Cosplay Week, including Omniax(which is a combination of Umbrella and Shin-Ra[PURE EVEL!]), Forest and Landslide. Kumo is of course mentioned in this.
I've also started spriting Elvoret. His base frame is 300x300 pixels! I have barely the lineart done so far!
I'm basing it off this particular Final Fantasy boss:

Yes he is a scary mofo. He's going to be difficult to sprite, so I won't be doing too many frames for him. I'll probably end up leaving out Struck, even. I just don't have the patience to do too much for him.
BUT, on that note, any boss is better than Randgris!!
As a final note, I will leave my dear readers with something super-special awesome: the
Cosplay Crisis intro!
In the year 2010, a world not so different from our own has developed a system aside from the government in the form of factions spanning across the globe. The largest of these is the electrical and pharmaceutical company Omniax, considered by many as the greatest evil the world has ever faced. Despite being a ‘company’ they have their own entire mass of soldiers, willing to give their lives for the company. The governments of many countries fear an uprising of the company into power, but in truth the governments’ power is false
under the power of Omniax.
The greatest opposers are a group derived from the environmental movement Greenpeace, now known as ‘Landslide’. Their goal is to stop Omniax’s method of producing electricity and their potentially dangerous virology experiments. However, they have their own haters, given that the reason for them branching away from Greenpeace is their tendency to resort to extreme violence. They have separate groups around the globe, consisting of close to a half
million members, the largest one being in the mega-city of Acaridae, where they are lead by a young woman named Miriam Joumaeshin and a hot-headed man named Warren.
In the middle of the two conflicting sides is a mercenary organization called Forest, training children who seem to have no goal in life to fight for the right price. However, they do have morals, and seem to have an ultimate goal lying underneath their seemingly simple exterior. This ‘ultimate goal’ is not even understood by their ‘Canopy’, their Commander, a 19-year-old named Levi Raionomoi. Despite being a commander, he still actively participates in missions.
The organization also provides work for soldiers of fortune, hiring them in to partner up with particular members. While Levi was still a Sapling, he was partnered up with a drifter mercenary named Kumo Atsureki, who works to keep food on the table for himself and his brother…but he, like everyone else, seems to have a motive aside from this. He has also recently been hired by Landslide to help destroy electrical reactors around Acaridae.
These three individuals- Miri, Levi and Kumo-, are deeply interconnected, as they have been friends since childhood. As a brief respite from the deep world that they are embroiled in, they embark on a holiday to Japan to participate in the National Cosplay Week, an event attracting thousands of people to Tokyo to dress as their favourite characters.
The three may believe this is a holiday, but soon the events of the past and their imminent futures are going to come crashing down on them.
The clouds are brewing. The squalls are growing in intensity.
The Crisis is about to begin.
Yay word play =D