Holyyyy crap I have lots to update with. But I won't! I'm just going to tempt and tease you :3
I just finished the city of Oak- I am now testing it. I'm going to start Aetas very soon, I've got most of the mapping already done, I just need to make the events. I've got the basics of them already down but there's several complicated plot points that are started in Aetas. I've got a lot of the mapping done already for the next few levels afterwards (which is Oak return, then Miehlebin)
I still have to map the Miehle Mountains and Ruins of Banora. Once they're done...it's time for the final dungeon!!
I will still have a fair bit to go once that's done, though. There's several sidequests already in the game (Zane, Kupo Nut sidequest and Shiva) but there's also ones like Oak's Floodgate system (Leviathan), the Deep-Sea Research Centre(Bahamut), Aganog...there's also other side-quests on the main line, including a particularly difficult one on the science floor of the Omniax Building.
I've also got to figure out where the player is going to get the final weapons...
Anyway, I'd better go back to playtesting.
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